Urban land use/cover mapping and change detection analysis using time series satellite images

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 هیات علمی/دانشگاه تبریز

2 گروه سنجش از دورو GIS دانشگاه تبریز

3 M.A Student in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, University of Tabriz



Land use and land cover change (LULCC) have been among the most important perceptible changes taking place around us. Furthermore, since most of the LULCCs are directly influenced by human activities, they rarely follow standard ecological theories. Satellite-based Remote Sensing, by virtue of its ability to provide synoptic information of land use/cover at a particular time and location, has revolutionized the study of land use and land cover change. The use of Geoinformatics has enabled us to assign spatial connotations to LULCC, namely, population pressure, climate, terrain, etc which drive these changes. This has helped scientists to quantify these tools and to predict various scenarios. The purpose of this paper is to detect and evaluate land changes of Khanaqin urban area over 20 years using remote sensing techniques and Landsat dataset for years 2000, 2010, and 2020. For this purpose, supervised classification algorithm and maximum likelihood method has been used. Results indicated that Water bodies, Built-up area, and Vegetation areas increased in the last 20 years while Barren lands, and Agricultural mixed lands had decreased. These changes are largely related to climatic, political, and social factors as well as urban and rural population dynamics. According to the results obtained, this research can be useful in the field of regional and environmental management in the city of Khanaqin and in the field of urban planning and management and research decisions in this region can be used.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Urban land use/cover mapping and change detection analysis using time series satellite images

نویسندگان [English]

  • Abolfazl Ghanbari 1
  • Khalil Valizadeh_Kamran 2
  • Ali Mohammad Fazel 3

1 Academic Member/University of Tabriz

2 Department of Remote Sensing and GIS. Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences. University of Tabriz

3 M.A Student in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, University of Tabriz

چکیده [English]

Land use and land cover change (LULCC) have been among the most important perceptible changes taking place around us Furthermore, since most of the LULCCs are directly influenced by human activities, they rarely follow standard ecological theories. Satellite-based Remote Sensing, by virtue of its ability to provide synoptic information of land use/cover at a particular time and location, has revolutionized the study of land use and land cover change. The use of Geoinformatics has enabled us to assign spatial connotations to LULCC, namely, population pressure, climate, terrain, etc which drive these changes. This has helped scientists to quantify these tools and to predict various scenarios. The purpose of this paper is to detect and evaluate land changes of Khanaqin urban area over 20 years using remote sensing techniques and Landsat dataset for years 2000, 2010, and 2020. For this purpose, supervised classification algorithm and maximum likelihood method has been used. Results indicated that Water bodies, Built-up area, and Vegetation areas increased in the last 20 years while Barren lands, and Agricultural mixed lands had decreased. These changes are largely related to climatic, political, and social factors as well as urban and rural population dynamics. According to the results obtained, this research can be useful in the field of regional and environmental management in the city of Khanaqin and in the field of urban planning and management and research decisions in this region can be used.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Land use
  • Land cover
  • Change detection
  • Remote sensing
  • Khanaqin

مقالات آماده انتشار، پذیرفته شده
انتشار آنلاین از تاریخ 12 دی 1402
  • تاریخ دریافت: 31 تیر 1402
  • تاریخ بازنگری: 11 دی 1402
  • تاریخ پذیرش: 12 دی 1402