Mapping of sustainability of Tourism products potentials by Applying GIS- Decision Making Systems in Tabriz city, Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Academic Member/University of Tabriz

2 Ph. D student in tourism. University of Tehran.

3 Ph.D student in geomorphology, University of Tabriz.



The importance of sustainability development for developing countries and their tourism is a major issue. This study presents a new approach and framework for spatial modelling of tourism products potentials (TPP) in their sustainability evaluation. The approach was developed based on the GIS multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and its performance was evaluated for spatial TPP mapping in Tabriz city, Iran. To achieve this purpose, we recognized the main Components of Tourism Development indicators (CTDI) such as attractions, accommodation, services and infrastructures facilities to improving sustainable tourism, and determined their significance using the Geographic information systems (GIS). Furthermore, the uncertainty analyze was applied to diminish the inherent error in criteria weights. A GIS-based aggregation function was applied to discern the TPP map. Finally, the emphasis in this paper investigates the practical usage of GIS for the benefit of sustainable tourism development. In particular, it inquired the possible opportunities and challenges facing the adoption of GIS to assist sustainable tourism development. The purpose of this article is to map and explore existing and potential attractions, tourism services and facilities in Tabriz and to ensure that potential opportunities are available for all tourists to enjoy enjoyable experiences in order to reveal their diverse economic, social, political and cultural benefits. Build on the positive and negative aspects of their construction and present them with appropriate solutions for tourism development that lead to sustainable tourism development and infrastructure improvement.


Main Subjects

Volume 4, Issue 11
August 2024
Pages 138-126
  • Receive Date: 01 September 2024
  • Revise Date: 06 October 2024
  • Accept Date: 17 October 2024