Investigation of surface temperature changes using Landsat 8 satellite image processing in Ahvaz

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc. of remote sensing and GIS, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences of Tabriz University, I.R.Iran

2 Department of Geology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Department of Remote sensing and GIS,University of Tabriz, ,Tabriz, , Iran

4 Department of Urban Planning and GIS, Faculty of Geographical Sciences and Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran..


The expansion of industrialization and migration of rural population to urban areas has led to the uncontrolled growth of urban population in recent years. Rapid population growth and infrastructure development of the city will cause changes in the urban pattern, and with the destruction of the environment and the replacement of buildings will cause environmental pollution and climate change. The satellite image studied in this research is related to Landsat 8 satellite, which was taken for the study area. Atmospheric correction is performed on the data and digital number (DN) is converted to spectral radiation and spectral radius is converted to black body temperature and its temperature is converted from Kelvin to Celsius, then the radiation power correction and finally the vegetation index (NDVI) is extracted. And ground surface temperature index (LST) has been extracted. Vegetation index (NDVI) with a maximum of 0.64 and a minimum of -0.36 and surface temperature index (LST) with a maximum temperature of 65 degrees and a minimum of 34 degrees, which high temperatures in some places indicate existing industrial activities In the city of Ahvaz, including the steel industry, oil companies and the lack of adequate vegetation in the bare lands of the city.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 04 January 2022
  • Revise Date: 05 April 2022
  • Accept Date: 16 April 2022